This kind of theological understanding of who God is and who we are as "sent people" should empower us to be missional minded. As Dr. Young (President of Denver Seminary) once said, "To have eternal life is to be a missional believer." This is a paraphrase of his statement but it's getting the point across that there is a mandate for all People, In all places, In all times! This is not only a NT reality found in the Great Comission (rf. Mt 28). but also a reality of the OT as well (rf. Isa 66).
Because the gospel is literally the power of life (cf. I Cor. 1). There is responsibility to share this message with others. Mission is the central expression of the Godhead. God sent the son,
In every city, and community around the world. We should see ourselves as the "sent people" of God no matter what field we are in. In Dallas or Dublin, we are missionaries, destined to declare and demonstrate God's righteousness to the world around us. This is missional Theology.