Friday, May 28, 2010

Thinking Theologically about Immigration

Article from The Kindred Spirit- Alumni Magazine from Dallas Theological Seminary. Article written by By Dr. Alex Mandes Spring 2010 vol. 34, no. 1

Often politics and economics frame the immigration debate in North America. Yet Christ-followers must frame the topic of immigration by wider parameters—by two biblical mandates: the Great Commission and the Great Commandment..

Matthew 28:19–20 says to make disciples of all people—not legal people only, but all people. As Christ-followers our focus must shift from nationalism to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, from politics to the gospel, from winners and losers to how we can best glorify God.

We must never deny that illegal immigrants are breaking the law. Yet these immigrants’ law-breaking is no reason for the church to remain uninvolved in North America’s largest mission field today consisting of fifteen to eighteen million people, many of whom tremble in the shadows of our society. Civil law is written on soft paper and constantly evolves. God’s law was chiseled on stone tablets and has remained unchanged.

The eighteen million undocumented people living among us present both danger and opportunity. The danger lies only in the sense that the people are outside of the “system.” But we have an opportunity in terms of our mission. Many of these people are outside of their home countries, separated from their families, and outside of their own governments’ systems. They are prime for the gospel!

Many churches want to do something, but they wonder what they can do. And here’s where we need some reminders: it is legal to evangelize; it is legal to make disciples; and it is legal to be compassionate. What the law says is that it’s illegal for us to hire them. We also cannot provide false paperwork.

So how do we live out our biblical mandates?

• We must remember that immigrants were made in the image of God. That means in all our dealings we must treat them with dignity.

• We must keep in focus the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

• We must emulate Paul’s actions in the first century as we walk the fine line between compassion and execution of the law.

Paul’s epistle to Philemon mentions the runaway slave, Onesimus. Onesimus was out of his country and running from the law when he encountered the apostle Paul. Knowing the legal system, Paul could have turned him in immediately. Instead, Paul loved him, evangelized him, and discipled him. This probably happened over the course of months or even years. But as any disciple must be, Paul was also a person of obedience.

For that reason Paul ultimately sent Onesimus back to his master. Yet he did not return him empty-handed. He sent him with a letter that told Philemon to treat Onesimus as a brother and put his debt on Paul’s account. In other words Paul, rather than turning in Onesimus or staying aloof from him, stayed on mission. The result was fruit. And the ultimate result was obedience in all spheres—first to the gospel, then to compassion, then to civil law.

So what must the church do about contemporary illegal immigrants?

• Speak. Christian leaders must articulate that the commission and commandment apply even to these modern-day Samaritans.

• Pray. Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers, and work for a legal resolution on the matter of immigration reform.

• Love. Show compassion. Mercy builds bridges to the gospel in ways words cannot.

• Serve. Volunteer to teach English as a second language. Serve as a life coach. Counsel the vulnerable.

• Share. Spread the gospel. Show the way to Christ. If God put immigrants in our paths, we have the privilege of sharing the message of salvation.

• Enjoy. Build relationships without worrying about the language barrier. Love is a universal language.

• Envision. Recognize that many illegal immigrants are demographically the future of North America. We have an opportunity for significant outreach in a time of need.

Within three to five years approximately eighteen million North American immigrants will probably come out of the shadows. Those who have shared in their pain have an opportunity to share in a harvest of souls in a magnitude never before seen.

Most evangelicals did not join with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his nonviolent opposition to racial injustice. Now many wish they had. The church today has an opportunity to show compassion, to be missional, to demonstrate obedience to the Great Commandment by reaching immigrants with love.

So here’s the question to ask ourselves about immigration: Will we think only politically or will we think missionally, eternally—like Paul? And ultimately like Jesus?

-Dr. Alejandro (Alex) Mandes (ThM, 1987; DMin, 2007) is the National Director of Hispanic Ministry and Gateway Theological Training of the Evangelical Free Church of America. He describes himself as “married with five Latina daughters.” To see the original article click here.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5 Habits of Movement Minded Leaders

taken from "The Forgotten Ways Handbook p.145" - A Practical Guide for Developing Missional Churches.

1.Continually seek to transform vision into a movement focus and feel

2.Strategically structure organically for reproducibility

3.Creates a culture of permission to dream, try new things & experiment.

4.Calls followers to a covenantal requirement for every person, group or church to regularly multiple their ministry for greater influence.

5.Has accurately applied the appropriate management style that best fits the culture and context in which the leader is working.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

FA Church Planting Movement Celebrating 10 Yrs.

As many of you know, over the past nine months I have been part of a church plant residency with Fellowship Associates. FA is an organization started by Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock to strengthen the church planter's leadership and influence.

It has been a pivotal point in our leadership development. Leslie and I have formed lifelong friendships with people who share a common bond of planting churches to extend the kingdom of God across the United States and overseas.

In this video you will see Leslie and I, along with four other church planting residents, being commissioned by Fellowship to start Imago Dei Community Church in Phoenix, AZ! In addition you will see John Bryson one of the Network Leaders and a Pastor from Fellowship Memphis interview from a diverse group of FA church planters that have already planted churches from all over: Hunter Beaumont in Denver Colorado, Thien Doan in Long Beach, CA, Eric Mason in Philadelphia, PA, Dahati Lewis in Atlanta, GA, Dave Furman from Dubai in the Middle East and Kevin Cawley in Kansas City, MO

Today we celebrate not only the past 10 years but the present and future too. With over 35 former residents in the field this movement is at the tipping point. Every single church planter is committed to planting and partnering with other organizations and denominations to plant more churches that will in turn plant more churches! I praise God for these leaders in which I have to lean on and learn from. They have blazed the trail, and set the tone.

These Pastors are actively committed to serve the city for the welfare of others, they engage culture and teach doctrine and theology, holding to the scriptures for their guide. Get in one of these churches if you are near one. Help them plant more, pray for them in their labors. This is an amazing group of men that have been called by God to lead and love the church.